- all photos are copyrighted -

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cute Family

...some of my favorite people in the world.  They have an incredible story and they're all such strong, happy, vibrant people!

(Natalie, I'm still workin' on you! No worries!)

Monday, August 30, 2010

This Is Why

The whole reason behind my chronic fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, irritability, and whatever else is wrong with me.  But she's adorable.....and totally worth it!  (sure can't wait to feel normal again, though.)

These guys contribute to some of my tired, too.  They're pretty rad, though.

Love these kids!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Baby Boy

This is the most gorgeous baby ever with this full head of hair, dimples, and perfectly plump baby lips!  I can't wait to take more pics of him!

Summer Sunflowers

These belong to my BFF, Kadie, who let me snap a few shots of her gorgeous sunflowers.  I LOVE the colors of these flowers so much!  I'm going to have to order some prints to put on my walls during the winter months when I need a big shot of bright, sunshiney happiness!

Same flower - different editing.  I don't know which one I love more! The one below just has this amazing, natural color.  Nature is amazing, isn't it?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Town Full of Eye Candy

One of the millions of things I love about Michigan are the quaint small towns.  This one, in particular, is a feast for the eyes.  It's a little German town full of shops, restaurants, and the world's largest year-round Christmas store.  Sometimes when I need to escape for the afternoon, I drive over there, buy some amazing taffy, browse the bead shop and the country store, and go home.  Love it!

It seems like EVERY structure there has window boxes full of flowers - it's SO beautiful!

Don't you love ths dancing couple?!  I love it that these little details are all over town!

....Our favorite little lunch spot.  It'n it cute?!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sweet Dreams...

This is one of my favorite sets because it's meant to be hazy, dreamy, and sweet.  Now I want to go curl up and take a nap!  (with her...)

Poppies, Purples, & a Pup

What is it about a big, beautiful, orange poppy that makes me stop and catch my breath?!  My BFF and I went to a friend's house to shoot her poppies and you would have thought it was Christmas we were so excited!  She actually has better pictures than I do since she went a few days earlier - but I did eventually manage to find a few flowers that weren't dead yet.

...and these...what beautiful little flowers!  I'm pretty sure that little fairies live inside these.

We had a very curious friend watching us - very, very carefully!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Simple Beauty

Michigan Cherries

...yet another reason I love summer in Michigan!!!

I can't stand it...

I want some fudge so bad I can't stand it.  But...it's my new goal to loose 5 pounds/month until the end of November, which is my anniversary, which is when I'm going to squeeze into my {hot} little black dress again.  Here's to fudge...at least I can look at it...

Summertime Baby